Animation Sequences Workflow / Actor Animation node
Currently, all input sequence must be animated onto your single rig. If using biped you can do this by mixing .bip clips or just animating all the different clips manually across the same time frame. So for a character walking, running, then jumping, you might animate the walk loop from frame 0-20, then the run loop from frame 30-45, and then the jump from frame 50-100.

Then in your tyActor helper in the animation rollout you define the clips and their frame ranges.

Then in the Actor Animation operator you control when those clips play.

The offset variation defines when the start frame of a clip will be. So for example, if the run loop is frame 30-45 and your offset variation is set to 5, the clip (for a particular actor) may start at frame 33 instead of 30. However, when it loops it'll loop back to frame 30 and continue on from there. Offset only applies to the first frame that plays first for a clip.

Ironically, just yesterday I discovered that the offset variation parameter is not working correctly. The fix will appear in v0.16132 which will be out shortly.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Animation Sequences Workflow / Actor Animation node - by tyFlow - 11-21-2021, 04:12 PM

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