Delete Tabs
The tabs show which tyFlow objects exist in the scene. Clicking between them just snaps because each individual tyFlow object's editor window. So for that reason, I actually explicitly did not want to allow deleting tabs, because doing so would also delete the tyFlow scene object (and I didn't want people to think they were just innocently cleaning up tabs when they were actually deleting scene objects in the process). The reason it "works" from the layer manager is because what you're doing is deleting those tyFlow scene the tabs disappear in the process.

In the future I'd like to explore tidying up the tab bar in other ways. When you have a lot of tyFlow scene objects, the tab bar can get pretty full/confusing.

Messages In This Thread
Delete Tabs - by Chubbydan - 12-07-2021, 01:23 PM
RE: Delete Tabs - by tyFlow - 12-07-2021, 05:03 PM
RE: Delete Tabs - by d4rk3lf - 12-07-2021, 05:34 PM
RE: Delete Tabs - by tyFlow - 12-07-2021, 06:16 PM

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