Color variation on multi sub material

How can i apply a random color, from a fixed set of colors, to a multi sub material?

In detail, i'm using TyFlow to Birth a reference shape.
That shape has a Multi/Sub-Object material applied to it, and the diffuse color of one of those sub-materials is randomly chosen from a pool of 10 fixed colors.

With Arnold, i can use the "Object ID" and "1 of N color" maps to achieve that on a group of shapes, but i can't do it with a single TyFlow object, because i don't have an "Object ID" for each particle.

I also can't seem to do it using the "Material ID" operator, because then, each particle gets assigned only one of the Sub-Materials.

Is there any way i can pass an unique particle id or attribute to use in Arnold as User Data?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Messages In This Thread
Color variation on multi sub material - by JoaoPS - 02-18-2022, 07:22 PM

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