Problem with Actor Ragdoll collision
Hi there,

this is clearly a user error on my part but I canĀ“t seem to figure out what went wrong.

I started off in trying to recreate something similar to the default Actor sample project with the arrows hitting people, turning them into Physx ragdolls that fall down.

I wanted do have people running and hitting walls and then fall down. Seems simple enough but for some reason they hit the wall and parts of them stick to the wall as they collapse.

Could someone find out what my mistake is?

Thanks in advance!


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.mp4   tyflow1.mp4 (Size: 530.01 KB / Downloads: 104)
.max   Little_People01.max (Size: 4.68 MB / Downloads: 124)

Messages In This Thread
Problem with Actor Ragdoll collision - by CBGB - 03-17-2023, 06:12 PM

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