Timing Belt Issues
Hi Everyone!

Started using Tyflow Pro  (awesome product btw!)  about two weeks ago- so I'd like to apologize in advance if I missed some solution to my issues or if it's just beginner mistakes. Anyways, here goes:

Use Case:
timing belt animations including the teeth of the belt connecting properly to gears

all works fine until I stretch the timing belt to a point where it should be really tense... then I get a lot of warping inbetween the elements, resulting in a completely wobbly spline... (keeping the timing belt "loose" is not an option unfortunately)


I`m currently using 
- birth spline
- Shape: 2 Shapes in sequence with meshes for the tooth and the part between the teeth and alternatiing by using a filter (AND every nth 2 )
- rotation (spline align)
- physx shape (convex hull)
- physx bind (rigid joint or glue)
- physx collision (mesh) for interactions
- spline paths as output

Things I tried:
I tried with higher tyflow values for the physx solver, tried with more time steps, physx bind set to glue or rigid, tried different very high spring settings versus different proximity bind settings but could never get this issue solved... 

...so I was hoping for some pointers in the right direction! thanks in advance! let me know if you need more info or a file to check

Messages In This Thread
Timing Belt Issues - by EZS_Chris - 06-27-2023, 01:44 PM
RE: Timing Belt Issues - by tyFlow - 06-27-2023, 07:19 PM
RE: Timing Belt Issues - by EZS_Chris - 06-28-2023, 10:14 AM

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