Wind force reducing object bind influence
Thanks again!

Okay, have been running tests:

1st Issue - reducing x/y influence from the ocean mesh
- When set to Sticky (0% friction) neither Limiter or Slow affect the x/y at all.
- When set to spring both Slow and Limiter work as intended
- Suggestion: add x,y,z locks or percentages that work in sticky mode if that's possible.
For example I would love to just set sticky to z surface influence only. I still can't figure out how to achieve this in sticky mode.

2nd issue - Wind causing hovering props.
- I can only seem to 100% solve this in sticky mode.

Thanks for the Push Out operator suggestion, that replaced PhysX shape nicely for the collision issues.

But I'm as yet unable to reduce the x/y influence from the ocean surface in sticky mode.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Wind force reducing object bind influence - by kysterama - 10-22-2019, 04:55 AM

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