tymesher should consider cloth mesh
Hey Tyson,

right now the tyMesher doesn´t recognize the cloth generated mesh as geometry, it only considers the cloth particles.
Is there a way to change that?
Because that would give the possibility for input mesh resampling (which I love by the way).
I can work around it by putting an edit poly on the tyFlow with the cloth, but that only works if I don´t mix cloth with other particles.
Disable "force particle interface" in the tyMesher settings, and it will consider particles as meshes so long as the particle interface isn't enable in the tyFlow either.
Right. Makes sense when you think about it. I need some sort of memory hook for when to untick that...Smile Again, love the input mesh resampling!

last question, although its not really related...
I have a flow that grows a cell with some appendices, which I´m meshing here.
Now I would like to use the generated mesh, including the animation, to be used as an animated shape in another flow.
My first though was to simply export it as alembic and use it via vrayproxy.
We can still not use tyCaches as particle shapes, can we?
What about tyActor, could that be used?
Why can't you use a tyCache as a particle shape?
Oh, you can? Wohoo!

Hm, can´t get it to work here, but if you say its possible, I´ll do some more testing with a simpler setup tiil I know what I´m doing wrong.
You probably have GPU instancing enabled or VRay interface or something. Need to adjust settings so its treated as a normal mesh. I use tyCaches in Shape operators all the time.
Yeah, got it working in the simple scene by disabling GPU instancing. Now I just gotta find the one missing checkbox in the complex scene...
Just out of curiosity: Was it always possible to pick tyCaches as shapes, or was that added recently?
Always possible Smile
Alright, got it to work now, thanks for taking the time!

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