localized explosion FORCE on impact areas
Hi every! i was hoping if the community could point me in the right direction.

i have two BIRTH operator, 

BIRTH A - makes small, light, numerous particles on the floor
BIRTH B - makes big, heavy particles on the air.


and the BIG particles drop to the floor, hitting a "pool" of small particles.
where the BIG particles fall, the small particles get pushed around due to the impact.


i have managed to achieve the basic setup, by manipulating the "mass" of each different particle, however, i wanted to exaggerate and have bit more creative control over it, so when a BIG particle falls, more smaller particles gets moved around to exaggerate the impact.  or even spawn some particles on impact area, with speed heading towards the air to "add" more movement.

so the question was

Q1. is there way of testing for impact on the ground plane, and add "localized" force that has specific vector direction? and that force will only effect the small particles for about 2 frames of duration?

Q2. is there way of birthing particles on point of impact, and have it be affected by a spot force with specific vector? basically thinking rather than having huge number of small particles, i could have a layer of particles, but introduce new particles on impact.

Q3. is there better way of achieving this without having to rely on introducing new forces? for example, on impact, we can manipulate the particles properties, or such for a brief second?  think the challenge i am having is that i want a specific "look" and motion for both Big and Small particles, but want them to behave more dramatically when they impact each other?

any advice and help will be appreciated!

thank you all in advance for any help!

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