Ball on string
I have been playing around with some simulated splines. One thing I have gotten a little stuck with is how to make something like a ball on a string?

It would be nice to "merge" two flows, one with heavy balls in them and the other with strings. Then bind those together in a new flow.

Any suggestions on how I could make this sort of thing happen?
Which Max release are you using?
As always, Posting a question to a forum and I figured it out immediately afterwards!
I had no idea that events could have multiple wires coming in. This is something I have wished for for so long

You can bind a particle (the ball) to your string and just give the ball particle a lot of mass and a large scale...otherwise, you could also do the whole setup with PhysX operators so that you get proper interactions between your rigidbody ball's surface and the string. PhysX Bind has most of the same settings as Particle the concepts can transfer over.

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