Transfer custom datas option in tyParticleSkin
Hey Tyson! I've been playing a lot with the tyParticleSkin modifier those past few days and found that it would be very usefull if we could directly transfer custom datas to vertices mapping channels and take benefit from the skin weight.
Can you describe a scenario where that would be useful? Just so I can better understand what you're asking for...
Confused it's a bit complicated to explain...too long, I'm still exploring you're wonderfull tool!!
For the moment I add a tySelect modifier, wich can do this already, on top of  a tyParticleskin to acheive the effect I want
I use this technic to transfer dynamic/changing datas to mesh UVs and get them back later when using the animated mesh as cloth..
Maybe I should just reproduce a sort of skinning directly in my flows..
I just thaught it might be lighter to use only one modifier instead of two since tyParticleSkin allready use a weighting by distance algorythm.

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