I've one last request regarding your SCA implementation 
It seems like the align option of the grow operator use an absolut axis (0,0,1) to do the alignment, so that the TM at birth is:
if the particles keep growing and have dynamic at the same time it's important for new born particles to maintain the orientation coherence with previous ones.
instead, could we have the parent orientation as reference, so that the TM at birth use this forward axis:
and by the way!
I loved your video of growing plantmonster battle, hats off!!!

It seems like the align option of the grow operator use an absolut axis (0,0,1) to do the alignment, so that the TM at birth is:
forward = (0,0,1);
row4 = particlePos;
row3 = (parentParticlePos - row4).normalized;
row2 = Point3.Cross(row3, forward).normalized;
row1 = Point3.Cross(row2, row3).normalized;
if the particles keep growing and have dynamic at the same time it's important for new born particles to maintain the orientation coherence with previous ones.
instead, could we have the parent orientation as reference, so that the TM at birth use this forward axis:
forward = hasParent ? parentParticleTM.row1 : (0,0,1);
and by the way!