Blurring particles attributes
Hi guys!

Such functionalities would be nice :

- A global attribute blurring operator, to smooth out any particle properties based on neighbors averaging.
- Position relaxing option in Position Object Operator (aka Houdini's Scatter's Lloyd's based position relax)
"Attribute blurring" is what the new Property Transfer operator is for.

You can use the Particle Physics operator (in 'position' mode w/integrate turned off) to reduce radii overlap.
Quote:"Attribute blurring" is what the new Property Transfer operator is for.

Nice, missed that new one, thanks!

Quote:You can use the Particle Physics operator (in 'position' mode w/integrate turned off) to reduce radii overlap.

Yes indeed, but looks like a bit overkill and not the most effective way imho
Quote:Looks like a bit overkill and not the most effective way imho

Can you describe the issues you had with the Particle Physics method? Not sure how it could be overkill considering its just an iterative solver that maximizes distances between particles based on some radius. That's inherently simpler than Lloyd's algorithm.
Was just an assumption cause I'm affraid when I see "Physics"  Big Grin
It indeed seems very efficient.

Btw an advantage of relaxing being part of the Position Object node would be that the particles would not be able to leave the surface.
Fow now I just use the Fuse Op with a large amount of particles for even distribution, but I can't control the exact particle count that way.
You can put a Position Object operator after the Particle Physics operator and set it to closest point mode. That should snap particles back to the surface after spreading them out. It's not as nice as snapping them to the surface after each iteration of relaxation, as the Point Relax method in Houdini does it....but it's an option. For better results you could also instance the Particle Physics operator a few times, and then instance the Position Object operator a few times, and stagger them. So PP, then PO, then PP, then PO, etc. That's a (clunky) way of simulating a few iterations of relax where points are snapped back to the surface after each iteration.
You exactly pointed out what my concern is about, avoiding clunkyness   Big Grin
Thanks a lot for your help, and don't worry, I guess there are much important things at the top of your todo list  Wink

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