TyFlow dissapearing in viewport when Zooming In.
Hi there, 

I'm using Tyflow for some parametric modeling, so far so good but when I get to close in the viewport just dissapears... is there a way to avoid that to happen?

For instance all but the teapot and the base geometry is scattered, but if i get just a bit closer.. everything is gone. Of course I could just TyCache each time i need to check something but I loos the interactivity adjustments.
The scene is not strangly small and the viewport clipping is to the max. so is not that. ( that teapot is 128cm ( 1u 1cm))

max 2020
last gpu drivers.

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tyFlow does a fast bounding box calculation that only factors in particles, not their shape vertices. If you zoom in close enough that all particles are outside of the view (even though particle shape vertices are still inside the view) max will cull the tyFlow and your shapes will disappear.

If you run into this situation, you can manually expand the bounding box using the spinner in the debugging rollout of your tyFlow.
(04-01-2020, 02:56 PM)tyFlow Wrote: tyFlow does a fast bounding box calculation that only factors in particles, not their shape vertices. If you zoom in close enough that all particles are outside of the view (even though particle shape vertices are still inside the view) max will cull the tyFlow and your shapes will disappear.

If you run into this situation, you can manually expand the bounding box using the spinner in the debugging rollout of your tyFlow.

Oh! I see, thank you for the explanation. It worked!

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