animated texture on animated object
Hi, i am new to tyflow... and i am stuck...
I have animated box (position, rotation) as birth object with inherit pos. and rot. ticked on. And i added surface test texture (gradient ramp) to trigger face fracture animation... the problem is while the object is moving it seems the gradient trgiger map mapping is totaly off... when i apply same setup on static object its working fine...
it looks like its mapped to whole animation path from start position to end... if u know what i mean one big stretched texture to whole scene ... ignoring obj uv's
please help what am i missing?
Hard to say why it's working from your description. You'd have to post a scene file so I can see your setup.
(09-19-2020, 09:28 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Hard to say why it's working from your description. You'd have to post a scene file so I can see your setup.

i bet its something simple... the card is animated fly trough space... and i just cant figure how to stick the uvs to the card obj...

first picture is animated card with default 3ds max gradient ramp (animated) with noise
second is tyflow instance ...
when i use same setup on static geometry is working fine also the card change to another event at some point but like the uvs was somewhere else...

can you see the problem from what i posted or do you need the scene file?
thank you for respodn iam searching the internet like few hours now aand have no idea what to do

BTW i tryed to play around with mapping operator but no results have no idea what am i missing

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
sorry if my question is primitive... but if you could tell me at least if its possible... i have'nt find any tutorial about mapping nor what are filters for if you could point me somewhere at least.
i had my job deadline today and i had to do it in another soft...
Stay tuned....
I will try recreating problem now, if I understand you correctly.

You want a card to spin and move, and (for example) fracture by the gradient ramp that you animated?
I'll try making that now.

No promises though. Smile

Attaching file.

Is this what you want?

Attached Files
.rar   Card_01.rar (Size: 35.52 KB / Downloads: 280)
so the object bind operator is the magic ingredience... thank you so much
(09-21-2020, 06:49 PM)tomas_ozvold Wrote: so the object bind operator is the magic ingredience... thank you so much

Yeah, well.  
It's because you can't expect that birth object operator do the position/rotation/scale inheritance, after you broke that particle object with voronoi (you basically created many particles from only one particle). 

Glad it helped!

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