Group Filtering Any operator
The idea of the particle group is great.
This is a feature in ThinkingParticles(TP).
However, in PF and TyPlow, to use this feature you have to branch to using PropertyTest?

in this way, i do not need "Group".

In TP, it is possible to separate and use the effects by group from mixed.
This is smarter if, for example, filters by group work on Collision.
And that's an image that has filters for that group on every operator.
How about that?

I'm not quite sure what you mean. For example, in tyFlow the particle groups do affect collisions. If you put particles from one event into simulation group 1, and particles from another event into simulation group 2, and then merge those particles together, they won't collide with each other. You can do the same thing with PhysX colliders....particles in simulation group 1 won't collide with PhysX colliders in simulation group 2, but particles in group 1|2 will collide with those in group 2, etc.

It's a bitmask with overlap/include/exclude settings.
It is difficult to explain.
For example, I made this figure as a GUI.
If you can do something like this, the operation will be very simple.
Certainly, based on PF's GUI, it may be a method like TyFlow at present.

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Oh, I see what you mean. Having all operators filter particles by group.

That's an interesting thought...I actually toyed with the idea of having all kinds of per-operator filters like that (not just by group, but by size, velocity, scale, position, etc). Basically having very precise control over whether an operator will affect a particle.

I'll put it back on the todo list.
Thank you. I am looking forward to it.
TP is very good software, but I think the rules are too unique.
Houdini is very flexible and easy to understand rules and data status.
In PF and TyFlow, I think that the operation that is very easy to understand is good. In addition, TyFlow is a fairly fast operation of the PF.
It's easy, I think it seems to be very important for software.

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