Animated texture to match particle age
Hi all,

I know this has been discussed previously, but the answers were a bit dumbfounding.

It should be simple, but it just doesn't seem to work...

How can I get an animated texture (either *.mov or *.jpeg sequence) on a plane generated from TyFlow to match the age of the particle?

I'm using Corona, but tested also with Vray. I tried turning on real-world scale, adding UVW map, ticking 'sync frames to particle age' in the bitmap texture settings. I tried everything... Max 2020, Tyflow v0.16092

What am I missing? Thanks Smile
You have to use a tyBitmap instead of a Bitmap, then assign the desired age value of your particles to the UVW channel of your choosing, using a Custom Properties operator to store the age value to a float channel, and a Mapping operator to transfer the float value to the mapping channel (both set to continuous).
(11-20-2020, 07:47 AM)tyFlow Wrote: You have to use a tyBitmap instead of a Bitmap, then assign the desired age value of your particles to the UVW channel of your choosing, using a Custom Properties operator to store the age value to a float channel, and a Mapping operator to transfer the float value to the mapping channel (both set to continuous).

Thanks for the reply Tyson. This was certainly informative, and I'm sure I got closer to making it work, but still no luck... 

I've attached my tyflow scene and screenshot for you to see what I'm doing or what I've done wrong.

Is there any certain procedure on whether or not to use real-world scaling? Or to use mapping on the reference object?


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.zip   particle (Size: 251.82 KB / Downloads: 327)
it dosen't support vray gpu
I'm using Corona IR... does this affect it, do you think?
(12-04-2020, 09:02 AM)aaouviz Wrote: I'm using Corona IR... does this affect it, do you think?

Sorry I have no idea about corona IR
I know this is a bit old topic but as it seems to end a bit unsolved, I'm posting example files if someone else comes across this topic!

This file has an animated image sequence synced to Event Age, so when each particle enters the event they start the tyBitmap animation from the 1st frame.

You can control the speed and loop directly on tyBitmap.


Attached Files
.zip (Size: 2.32 MB / Downloads: 342)
(02-24-2022, 10:52 AM)pedrodeleo Wrote: I know this is a bit old topic but as it seems to end a bit unsolved, I'm posting example files if someone else comes across this topic!

This file has an animated image sequence synced to Event Age, so when each particle enters the event they start the tyBitmap animation from the 1st frame.

You can control the speed and loop directly on tyBitmap.


I was just looking for these Tips!

Very helpful!!! Thank you !!!!
I know it's an old topic, but I'm trying to search for a solution for this problem. I've downloaded the example file pedrodeleo uploaded. I've checked it and saw the video how should it work, but after opening the file, without any modification it seems not working anymore. 

Also, I've set up my file the same way (but with particle age), and it is not working. Is it a hidden limitation for free version, or something like this? My goal is to have the explosions start at the born of each particles, so would like to syncronise it with particle age.

Attached Files
.mp4   tyFlow_ImageSequence_Sync_EventAge_MAX2021_preview.mp4 (Size: 1.29 MB / Downloads: 207)
(02-24-2022, 10:52 AM)pedrodeleo Wrote: I know this is a bit old topic but as it seems to end a bit unsolved, I'm posting example files if someone else comes across this topic!

This file has an animated image sequence synced to Event Age, so when each particle enters the event they start the tyBitmap animation from the 1st frame.

You can control the speed and loop directly on tyBitmap.


Hi Pedrodeleo,  

 Your sample file is exactly what I'm looking for. But I downloaded it to take a look and the file doesn't play as the preview animation does. The gradient moves the in sync for every actor instead of having the offset from the event entry.   Not sure why it's no longer working. But I would love some help with this if you have a moment to look at your sample to see what might have changed.  

Thank you for your help, 

Hi - Ok I feel like an idiot. Your file works just fine. But it only shows up in the render not the live preview.

i was able to adjust it to work with the particle age versus the event age and I think this will help me resolve me issue quite well.

thank you again for your help and sharing your knowledge with me.


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