The Subdivide Operator does not work in Max2021.
The same scene in Max2020 works as expected.
I also checked units setup and tyflow version.
I also tested the latest Tyflow 16100 and the problem still persists.
Attached a simplified testfile in Max2020 format and screenshots.
The screenshot with those many subdivisions is in Max2020, where it works as expected.
Thanks for looking!
in Max2021
and in Max2020, where it works as expected
The same scene in Max2020 works as expected.
I also checked units setup and tyflow version.
I also tested the latest Tyflow 16100 and the problem still persists.
Attached a simplified testfile in Max2020 format and screenshots.
The screenshot with those many subdivisions is in Max2020, where it works as expected.
Thanks for looking!
in Max2021
and in Max2020, where it works as expected