Can Physx rigid bodies collide with a cuda cloth ?

I'm trying to create a simple scene, a plan used as a cuda cloth and has 4 corners pinned.

2 spheres falling down into the middle of the cloth, but they penetrate it and don't collide with the

cloth, is it possible for a rigid physx body to collide with a cloth ?

[Image: Screen-Shot00996.jpg]

[Image: Screen-Shot00997.jpg]
It can interact only 1-way (PhysX affect cloth, but cloth don't affect PhysX).
And in order to do that, you will need 2 separate flows, and the one with PhysX you just use as an animated mesh collider.

However, what you want is doable, if you use only PhysX, for both cloth and rigid bodies.
Check tyFlow example scene PhysX\tyFlow_clothRigidbodyInteraction_001.max

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