Push In/Out Operator Extension: Direction

It would be cool if we can set a direction in the Push In/Out operator.

I have a mesh and I want the particles to be pushed out just in Z direction, so that their only chance to come out of the geometry is to move upwards.

Thank you and greetings!
Have you tried spread operator with particle space (that I assume it's local particle space)?
I can't see how the spread operator could help here, since it has no relation to a geometry object. I think Push In/Out is the right choice for this request, because it stops affecting the particles as soon as they have left the geometry (in the case of pushing outwards) and needs no further operators or events for tests (so the whole system can stay compact). What I want is particles moving upwards in world Z using the velocity component of Push In/Out and as soon as they have left the geometry, the push effect should stop. Also I don't want an instand position change.
Have you tried the Position Raycast operator? That seems more applicable in this situation.
Isn't the position Raycast operator an instand position changer? But let me check. Thanks.

EDIT: I checked the PositionRaycast operatror, and as I assumed, it is only an instand position changer. No velocity component.

To clarify what I want:
Imagine water.
I have particles inside the water object which I want to be pushed out of the water mesh over some frames (NOT instand). I want to create kind of a buoyancy effect. Currently the Push In/Out operator pushes the particles out of the geometry in the direction of the closest distance between the particles position and the mesh surface. That results in, that some partilces will be pushed to the ground or to the sides of the water geometry and this is what I want to avoid when I say, I want the particles only moving upwards in world Z. I use only the velocity component of Push In/Out and let the position component turned off, so that I get a smooth position change over time.

I really would appriciate some feedback. Is everything clear? Dou you think it's worth to consider about an implementation or not?

Allright! I have found a solution.
I just made 2 gravity forces with custom float filters, depending on a surface test. The test doesn't send out particles, so they can stay in the same event. The surface test in volume inside mode just saves the test values to a custom float.
If the custom float is greater than 0 then the particles are inside the water geo, which means underwater, then the positive gravity drives the particles upwards. If the custom float equals 0, the particles are outside of the water, the negative gravity attacks and causes the particles to move downwards.
Why not use a Find Target operator, using a flat plane as the target geo?
You mean instead of the upwards gravity force?

I have waves and changing topology.
I think it works well. Look at the video and the images. Also the velocity input through the ParticleForce operator from the FluidLoader particles (those without trackable ID) seems to work well.

.mp4   tyFlow_MaxFluids_FloatingObjects.mp4 (Size: 5.48 MB / Downloads: 327)


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