DirectLight Shadow Mode + Tyflow Crash

recently I had to update a scene for a client our studio did a couple of years ago. I added a small Tyflow to the scene and realized Max reproducably crashed when trying to render with VRay. I realized a direct light in the scene with Shadows set to "Advanced Raytracing" + Tyflow caused the crash. So I did a small testscene with the same result. Only works when Shadows is set to "VRayShadow", otherwise it always crashes. 

Not sure if this has to be fixed by Chaos? Just want to let you know.

3ds Max 2021 + VRay Next Update 3.2

Attached Files
.mp4   DirectLight_Crash.mp4 (Size: 1.04 MB / Downloads: 217)
.max   DirectLight_Shadowmode_Crash.max (Size: 952 KB / Downloads: 228)
Yes, issues like this will have to be reported to ChaosGroup. I have no control over the renderer, or ability to debug it.

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