Face Fracture
Hello Tyson

maybe is not a bug.

I Wanted to scatter objects on the Plane and also in the center of polygons.
in Birth objects Flow, works and I don't have a problem with this way, but when I use Face Fracture in Birth flow didn't work.

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.max   test01.max (Size: 1.54 MB / Downloads: 227)
Your Face Fracture operator in the first flow is above your Shape operator, so there's nothing to fracture because you're trying to fracture particles before you've assigned a shape mesh to them.
(06-21-2021, 05:33 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Your Face Fracture operator in the first flow is above your Shape operator, so there's nothing to fracture because you're trying to fracture particles before you've assigned a shape mesh to them.

thank you

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