Is it okay to make clothes with cloth?

I'm curious, tyflow's cloth simulation is very powerful, can it be used as clothes, and can work well with dancers. Can you provide a sample file of wearing clothes? See how it can be implemented.
tyFlow's cloth system is good for abstract cloth, but not great for character clothing due to some simulation optimizations not currently implemented related to collision handling. I plan to add those after the commercial release goes live.
Let's get the official version early, and the price should not be too high. 加油奥利给
I suppose quick and cheap is not what it is meant to be here. Quality should have its price. This might be not a fast "fabricated" global Product like many other things coming across the Oceans and may be stuck somewhere in tight waters. 

Let´s get Tyson it done properly as he did all the way here so far, taking the time as it needs. And he should make a price that deserves the effort in first line.

(exactly the time I read this thread, I listen to this here and it was tickling me now very badly to mention this:

Uncle Bob´s "Clean Code":

sorry, bit offtopic but extremely interesting to listen to.)

PS: Don't forget that someone might read Chinese as well  Smile
(06-23-2021, 09:05 AM)卡伊皮兰哈 Wrote: 我想,在这里,快速和廉价并不是它的本意。质量应该有它的价格。这可能不是一个快速“捏造”的全球产品,就像许多其他跨越海洋的东西一样,它可能被困在紧绷的水域中。






实际上我表达的是价格希望不要太高,而被翻译成了价格不会太高,前者是我的期望,后者成了贬低的意思.我喜欢这个软件从未贬低他. 都怪这中西方语言的差异.

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