Can the Physics node exclude itself?
I want to use some particles as a catapult to fly another group of particles. I use the Particle Physics node, but I can't rule out the interaction of the catapult itself. I am sure that I have tried all the settings I can try. The Particle Physics node is really not thorough. Does it exclude itself? 

As shown in the document, how to use green particles to fly red particles without affecting the green particles?  Huh

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.max   tanfei.max (Size: 600 KB / Downloads: 240)
You can use a Particle Switch to de-activate any particles you don't want to be affected by a Particle Physics operator. Other particles will still collide with them, but they themselves will not be affected.
As in the example scene, I set the group of red particles as a unified simulation group; but I still can't get the desired effect, there must be a problem in it.

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.max   tanfei02.max (Size: 684 KB / Downloads: 193)
I may have found a way, as long as each particle uses Spawn to create a copy, you can use Target to lock this copy. After locking, it will not be affected by any force. Then apply Particle Physics.

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