mesh superspray using tyMesher

I want to use tyflow to mesh the particles that come out of a superspray. I can add the superspray to the tyMesher object but it won't mesh the particles. Is this possible?


Not possible, I guess..
Those legacy systems are not currently supported, no.
For those legacy systems you can still use native blobmesh compound object or VRay Metaballs or Thinkbox Frost.
Thanks, too bad as they are a quick solution if you have no other plugins to work with. Frost is expensive for what it does, and I only need this for something small. Is vray Metaballs included in the trail and work without a license? Can't find it on their website.

btw tried the realflow 3ds max plugin and I was surprised by how fast their solver is. Maybe I'm purchasing that for quick fluid sims.
VRay Metaballs is included in VRay Renderer. You find it as usual in 3dsmax command panel - Create panel - Dropdown category: VRay

Or simply in the VRay Sidebar of Main UI.

It should be included in the trial.
Oke will try that, thanks!

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