tyPreview Overlay MAXScript
Hello there Smile

I would like to suggest the possibility to constantly evaluate/calculate a variable in the overlay MAXScript string.
For example, I want to add the the lens focal length ("mycamera.curFov"), it works, but when I got an animated focal length the string get stuck on the first value Undecided

Thanks you.
The MAXScript overlay does execute every frame and I just tried it now on a test scene with a camera that has an animated FOV and the tyPreview overlay updated without issue.

What's the exact script that you're using?
Sorry you are right the MAXScript overlay work properly with normal cameras.
In my case, I'm using typreview through MAXScript and scene with xref camera.
For example, I have this simple script : 

fn preview =
rgx = dotnetObject "System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex" ""
previewpath =  (pathConfig.GetDir #preview) +"\\"+ (rgx.replace (getFilenameFile maxfilename) "_[0-9]+" "")+"_"+(dotNetClass "System.DateTime").now.ToString("MMddHHmm")+".mp4"

tyPreview displayFilter_grid:false \
displayFilter_shapes:false \
displayFilter_bones:false \
displayFilter_spacewarps:false \
displayFilter_helpers:false \
displayFilter_lights:false \
displayFilter_background:true \
appearance_antiAliasing:true \
appearance_textures:true \
appearance_transparency:true \
appearance_safeFrames:false \
appearance_mode:1 \
appearance_style:0 \
resolution_width: renderWidth \
resolution_height: renderHeight \
output_filename: (previewpath as string) \
overlay_camera: false \
output_version: 0 \
output_type: 0 \
overlay_frame:true \
overlay_maxscript:true \
overlay_maxscript_script:("\""+(getActiveCamera()).fov as string+"\" as string")


With this configuration the fov doesn't seem to update. Maybe a limitation du to xref cameras :/
Hmm yes that seems like it could be an xref limitation....do you have the same issue with the MAXScript overlay of the legacy preview tool?
We are still using max 2019 at work so we don't have the preview overlay but I tried "(getActiveCamera()).fov" in the MXS snippet on max 2020 and it works (even with xref cameras).

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