Time scale
My understanding of time scaleĀ  in time step of tyflow was that it affects the speed of simulation, so just in case I am looking for more smoother and slower simulation i should reduce the time scale and tweak the parameters accordingly........
But what I noticed is that it affects the birth operator also.....for e.g. I am giving birth to 100 particle from frame 0 to 100, now if the time scale is 1.0 - i get 100 particles, but if timescale is 0.5 I only get 50 particles.....

Should birth operator be affected by timescale?

ThankĀ  you
Nayan Bodawala
Timescale is a multiplier on the internal time step...so any operators which use that time step value to perform their calculations will be affected. This applies to both velocity, but also cumulative properties like particles-emitted-per-step.

Now, whether or not that should be intended behavior for Birth operators is an interesting question....I think intuitively it doesn't make sense for it to apply (even though the math makes sense), so I will make a note to adjust Birth operators accordingly.

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