How to bind objects (not cloth, not shape) tight and stiff together?

I would like to use a Custom Properties node, to store Position and rotation as "TM" channel.
- It seems not to work with shapes, only with particles - is that right?

And the other task in the same flow is, that I want to import objects, which each consist of more than one mesh, as only one object.
(Imagine a lamp with a light bulb in it, which are two elements, but should stick tight together)

- When I animate it with position displace (because I need shaking, similar like a noise modifier would do it), then it is breaking in it's parts. I managed only to glue physX objects stiffly together.

With PhysX Bind "glue" they behave good, but the Custom Properties does not work.
(With Custom Properties on "Set" I am randomly giving back the original position, otherwise the shaking objects would leave there position.)

So what is here the solution?
And are my assumptions/knowledge correct?

- I have have also tried to make them to cloth in order to use "bind particles", but the cloth is deforming. Seems not possible to set cloth on stiff or is there a way?

Thanks for help
Custom Properties works on any particle. It doesn't care if particles have shapes or not.

You can import multi-element rigs with tyActors, where the root particle of the tyActor controls the overall TM of the relatively-offset rig particles (in this case the rig particles would just be the other elements of your mesh).

The problem assumption in your setup is Custom Properties work in world space. So returning particles to their original pos/TM doesn't move them relative to some other particle, but instead just moves them back to the stored location in world space.

Apart from that, I don't really understand your setup. You want to shake the individual parts of the lamp? Or you want them to all shake together? Perhaps if you explain your idea with more detail...
Hi, I have made a simple setup now, to examine better.
In this scene, Custom Properties worked for everything and position displace only in the event.
My simulation mode is on full automatic:

- The strange thing here in this example is, that only one of both objects is moving, the other not.

- I am also looking to rotate randomly to different directions.
The rotate with "random 3D" let's objects only move in one direction.
My aim is to get things realistic shaking like on the floor when it vibrates
I could manage vertically and to tilt randomly.
I tried spin and rotate.

There is no such thing like "Position noise" or "Rotation noise"?
(Similar to a noise controller in Max)

Thanks for looking!

attached the test setup

.zip   tyflow wiggle custom (Size: 154.89 KB / Downloads: 214)

.mp4   tyflow only one object moving.mp4 (Size: 754.43 KB / Downloads: 240)
Well for realistic shaking I would do a realistic setup...that means literally doing some light ground-collider shaking and converting your particles to PhysX rigidbodies and allowing them to bounce around.

Apart from that, it'll be a bit tricky to shake the rotation because right now the Rotation operator doesn't have a seed by time option (which is not a good limitation, so I will be adding it into v0.16128 which is going up tonight). Attached you can see how to shake the position.

Attached Files
.max   shake.max (Size: 716 KB / Downloads: 237)
Many thanks! I will have a look at home later…
I think I could solve it "enough", but this is something quite interesting and also good to see a more professional solution than mine
*Thank you for constantly improving Tyflow Smile

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