About "property test"_ Neighbors

About "property test"_ Neighbors, whether there are other conditions to test the output particles.
For example:
1: Whether the search can be completed within a precise time range can be controlled. Many times, when using the radius, the radius value is slightly increased, and the search may be completed within a few frames. If the radius value is reduced, the conditions may not be met to terminate it. If you can complete the search in a specific time, the animation will become more controllable.
2: During radius search, can you strictly control that only 1 particle or a user-defined number of particles can be output? If there are 100 particles within a radius of 10, can I effectively control the time range of particle search when I limit the maximum output of 1 or a specified number of particles at a time?
thank you
Have you explored the Script operator? It has nearest-neighbor functions that will give you finer-tuned control like this.
I am also learning script operators, but the progress of learning the syntax of "C#" is very slow. The application from TP to PF_BOX3 made me accustomed to graphical nodes to express, so learning script operation is a big challenge for me. Thank you for your answer

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