CUDA support win7
Hi Tyson,

There is a global problem that makes it impossible to use Tyflow to the full. on win7.

The latest versions of tyFlow require CUDA 11.2.2. The problem is that CUDA 11 only supports win 10!

The latest version of CUDA for win 7 is CUDA 10.2.
Is it possible to add support for this version of CUDA to tyflow ???

Thank you!
Hi Tom,

Unfortunately that's not possible because tyFlow relies on certain functions within the CUDA 11 library.

Keep in mind that this only limits your use of the CCCS. Other GPU accelerated solvers (like generic bind acceleration, or PhysX CUDA) don't have such strict requirements.
Tyson, I get it.

Just very high-quality video tutorials, use CUDA for simulation. In some cases, it was possible to use a different approach to simulation collisions.
In some cases, it does not work yet. 
Because there is not enough experience and knowledge.

We will gain experience!

Thank you for the plugin! It's a bomb!

You have created an understandable Houdini within the framework of 3d Max!

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