There's not really a direct way to do it right now.
You have to bake your vertex velocity into mapping channel 20 of your tyMesher, then re-export as a tyCache and render as instances. That's the only way to transfer the velocity data from a blobmesh to Redshift at the moment.
Hi. Thanks for replying. That's a trip I was gladly willing to take, although I tried that and it doesn't work. Any crucial settings along the way I might be missing? I saw the other thread where you explained the process for vray.
- I have a mapping operator running continuously - from data - velocity - channel 20
- I have tymesher with inherit UVW on.
What about particle interface - any settings I should check there? Should particles have any shape?
Thanks for the effort! It still doesn't work in my case, but I'm surely doing something wrong. I'm using PHX liquid sim (not smoke) as input, and particles are behaving strangely - they don't move with liquid coherently, some stay there unaffected and some just stop after a while as if the velocity streamlines were ignored, idk anymore.. The process of learning these things is hard and complicated, I mean there's no bible on this I could read, sadly. Anyway, I appreciate Your help - it almost worked!
I've tried just about every angle to get this working with an alembic (.abc) export from TyFlow, but it does not work with Redshift motion blur.
Rendering the TyFLow directly with Redshift produces excellent motion blur, but if I export that TyFlow to alembic (.abc) and import that alembic, I cannot get the alembic mesh to render with Redshift motion blur.
Is this just an extension of the same problem this thread originally responded to?