Flock by property

As addition for the flock operator I think it would be cool to have the ability to "flock by property" instead of by obstacle only.

So when particles come close to other particles with specific properties, they should dodge those particles by a specific radius when they are crossing their way.

Thank you and greetings!
It's a good idea but being able to manage that in a UI layout that isn't really confusing would be difficult. Imagine a scenario where I have 5 different properties and each one has a different radius and avoidance speed, and maybe some of them I only want to activate on certain frame ranges, etc...allowing arbitrary flocking property setups like that would quickly explode the UI and 99.999% of people would never use it anyways. So long story short, for that kind of advanced behavior I would recommend the Script operator....it has built-in methods to get particle neighbors and from there adding velocities to particles based on neighbor proximity is very simple (and that's all the Flock operator does internally).
I like that you think it is a good idea. For the rest, same as in the other thread Big Grin.

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