Can't get non-skin deformations to work with TyActors
Max 2020, tyFlow .16010

Trying a simple actor setup, a single cylinder with a bend modifier (bends and unbends over 20 frames).  I've added a tyActor helper, selected the cylinder, set an animation range, selected "non-skin deformations", added the helper to a tyFlow Actor operator, and added an animation operator.  Am I missing anything?
Did you assign an animation clip to those 20 frames, in your tyActor, and then load that animation clip into the Actor Animation operator? Maybe that's what you mean by "set an animation range", but that could also mean the Timing rollout of the operator, so if you could specify...
Hi Tyson,
same Problem here. Scene file attached.

Hey gizzer, if you want to post an attachment you have to click "add attachment" after browsing for it Smile
(04-08-2019, 10:43 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Did you assign an animation clip to those 20 frames, in your tyActor, and then load that animation clip into the Actor Animation operator? Maybe that's what you mean by "set an animation range", but that could also mean the Timing rollout of the operator, so if you could specify...

Yes, I assigned the animation clip in the tyActor helper and used an Actor Animation operator to load it.
Oops, sorry. Here is the scene file.


Attached Files
.max   tyFlow_worms_own.max (Size: 828 KB / Downloads: 359)

pretty sure its a bug.
Can´t get non-skin deformations to work either. Or rather. Can´t get any deformations to work.
Pretty sure that its a bug, because I tried editing the original worms demo scene: Added another tyActor to the scene, picked the same mesh and the same setings and animation doesn´t show up.
I can't check the scene because I'm out of the country at the moment, will check when I'm back.
I've checked the file and it's just a limitation of tyFlow at the moment....non-skin deformations are only recorded for input objects that have a deformation modifier under an active skin modifier (typical usage: a Morpher modifier under a skin).
(05-20-2019, 02:40 AM)tyFlow Wrote: I've checked the file and it's just a limitation of tyFlow at the moment....non-skin deformations are only recorded for input objects that have a deformation modifier under an active skin modifier (typical usage: a Morpher modifier under a skin).

I simply used the shape animation feature for my scene and it worked fine to just switch out the shape per event with a different animation range set.
I also can´t think of a specific scenario, where I would need non-skin deformations in the actor, apart from morpher, so its probably fine.
I think some people were trying to get an animation-to-physx switch setup like the worms example just with bend modifier, expeciting tyFlow to magically create bones for them to derive the physx sim from...Wink

Might be an idea to include that info in the docs, because its been asked a couple of times, why its not working.

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