Hey there
I am not good with code, so I might be wrong
but somehow GetClosestNormal is working and not working......working in the sense, that I am getting the correct normal vector, but the magnitude is coming out wrong, coz normal vectors are showing close to origin.
I am also attaching the file for checking normal vectors and magnitude
Please do check
Thank you
Nayan Bodawala
GetClosestNormalIssue.max (Size: 700 KB / Downloads: 199)
I am not good with code, so I might be wrong
but somehow GetClosestNormal is working and not working......working in the sense, that I am getting the correct normal vector, but the magnitude is coming out wrong, coz normal vectors are showing close to origin.
I am also attaching the file for checking normal vectors and magnitude
Please do check
Thank you
Nayan Bodawala
GetClosestNormalIssue.max (Size: 700 KB / Downloads: 199)