order of multiple collision operators
i dont know if this is a bug but i noticed that the order is important if you use more than one collision Operators.
if you have one collsion Operator only for collisions and another one for testing to another Event this have to be the first one. 
otherwise i recognized strange effects ..

Regards H.Kroeber
Collision operators are executed in order, at the end of the time step. The first collision operator may be resolving collisions that prevent them from occurring in the second.

If you believe the behavior you're seeing is an unrelated bug, please send the file to support@tyflow.com.
(04-09-2019, 06:19 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Collision operators are executed in order, at the end of the time step. The first collision operator may be resolving collisions that prevent them from occurring in the second.

If you believe the behavior you're seeing is an unrelated bug, please send the file to support@tyflow.com.

i have to prepare a Scene .. but to summerize the Problem:

if you let a collision send particles to another Event the particles do not get any bounce factor from the collision. they stop at the collision object.
Hm, that's odd. I'll check the behavior and get back to you.

I tried to reproduce this issue but was unable to. Particles sent to another event with a collide operator bounced normally. If you can send a scene where the problem occurs to support@tyflow.com I'd appreciate it.
(04-11-2019, 03:01 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Hey,

I tried to reproduce this issue but was unable to. Particles sent to another event with a collide operator bounced normally. If you can send a scene where the problem occurs to support@tyflow.com I'd appreciate it.

i sent you a Scene. 


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