tyActor Skinned Meshes question
Me again! I've been doing some work with animated Reference nodes in the Shape operator and it's working really well but I wanted more control over when particular animations are triggered.

Naturally, I switched to a tyActor setup (using Non-skin deformations) and it gives me the *exact* level of control I've been looking for, with one caveat... The source object(s) I'm using have changing topology and it seems that the skinned meshes created by the tyActor operator do not allow for this. Using animated reference nodes in the Shape operator does permit me to have changing topology but it's much trickier to trigger different animation sequences. I have a work around (I'm swapping out the shape operator when I want a different animation triggered) and I've also had some success using Custom Floats to control the animation in the Shape node but neither approach is as intuitive as an Actor setup. 

I guess what I'm asking is:

Is there a way for tyActor meshes to have changing topology?
If not, is there a way to drive the animation(s) from a single animated reference node in the Shape operator with the same level of control as an Actor/Animation setup?

I've attached a max file which (hopefully) shows what I'm talking about and here's a video if that helps : https://vimeo.com/678653830/9c2977f9ce

.max   tyFlow_AnimatedShape_2022.max (Size: 732 KB / Downloads: 220)
Yes, shape operator is the only way to have animated meshes with changing topology. I see you tried custom float control over animation frames...what extra level of control are you looking for?
Hey Tyson,

Thanks for the quick response!

Ideally, I'd like to be able to define animation ranges for a reference node in (or for) the shape operator. Pretty much exactly like the Animation operator for Actors.

I've just looked back at the file I set up with custom floats and I've realised it's not actually doing what I thought it was, so maybe I need to look into this further. Would you be able to point me in the right direction for the best practise for using the 'Full Control' option to control the animation parameters?

Basically, I'm dealing with around 10+ unique animations on the one object, so I'm currently defining the frame ranges I need for each 'clip' and then using a different shape operator each time I want to trigger the new animation. It's completely workable for what I need but I just wanted to check there wasn't a more straightforward way to change the animation settings for a shape operator without the need to send it to another one.
Ah, gotcha...yea there's not really an easy way to define 'clips' in the Shape operator...and all playback control has to happen in there, instead of a separate 'Shape Animation' operator (like Actor Animation). That could be something interesting to explore in the future though....eventually the entire Shape operator is getting an overhaul anyways.

'full control' just means that the custom float channel you point it to will contain frame numbers you want to play back on the shape.
Ok, understood!

Thank you again and I apologise in advance when you eventually see what all these questions are for & it's the dumbest thing you could possibly imagine! Big Grin
I can't wait! Wink

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