TyActor flow - impossible to export due to crashes - possible bug.
Hello guys,

I have been working on a fish flock setup using Actors. 
The system itself, works fine and no issues,  but when it comes to caching (particle export OP) as soon as a touch Generate tyCache - max freezes and crash without any notice. 

I was trying to narrow down the issue and stripped the system completely to just one event and still the same.
What I noticed is that,  if i have for eg. just 5 Actors then it works, but bigger amounts crashes max immediately. This is weird behavior because I have worked on much more complex setups before  without any issue.

Please find attached file (max 2021 and tyFlow 0.16134 )  and let me know if You were able to reproduce the  error.

Thank You,


Attached Files
.max   reef_crash_v001.max (Size: 2.4 MB / Downloads: 139)
For others that see this thread: this bug is caused by a regression that was fixed in v1.00002.

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