"move pivots" operator

As shown in the figure, the "move pivots" operator does not seem to recognize the boundary of particles. From the current results, it seems that it only supports "circle shape". So is "on shape bounds" right? thank you
Hi, could you post the file please?
this file
The result you're seeing is because "on shape bounds (world)" considers the axis-aligned bounding box (not object-aligned bounding box) to do the position calculations. So it is indeed correct. Axis-aligned means each bounding box is aligned to the world (not the particle)....just imagine a non-rotated box created around each particle, encapsulating it. That's the bounding box used to calculate the new particle position.
OK, thank you for your explanation.
I would like to ask, when the particle faces randomly, what should I do to get the position of the particle at the bottom axis? If you use the particle's own axis, you obviously can't get normal results.
I want to place the particles on a plane, regardless of the angle and size of the particles
That's a good question. There's not a built-in way to align particles based on their shape.

A workaround would be to use a Script operator. You could get the mesh from each particle, then iterate over each vertex of the mesh and check for the lowest z-axis value of each vertex's position. The lowest world-space z-axis value of the vertices position is how far you need to move each particle down to touch the ground.
okay, thank you

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