Cloth tears / disappearing
Hi all !

I have a question about cloth Smile 

I have a simple scene, where i have an inflatted balloon, i need to explode the balloon, and then delete the "debris / Tears"over time with a nice scale to 0.

Is there a simple way to do that ?  

I tried to animate the tearing theashold and convert Cloth to shape, it works but it's a little bit strange so maybe someone have a cool solution for me ?
Thanks you for your answers !

There's no way to add or remove faces from a Cloth within the simulation itself, but there are a couple things you can do to sort of dissolve/shrink it over time...

1) Use a Modify Bindings operator to shrink bind length over time

2) Use a tyRelax modifier on your cloth and increase the iterations over time
thank you Tyson, will try that !

A combination of the 2 work actually pretty well, thank you

Also is there a way to conserve the speed and spin of the debris when doing a Cloth to shape operation ??

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