Speed by icon in tyFlow?
Hi there
I am trying to get a simple flow to holds its volume while following an exact path.

In PFlow I would use a speed by Icon to obtain this effect (see video).

In tyFlow there is an follow path operator, but it works with quite a few drawbacks as it has a hard time with fast speeds while keeping the volume. (I feel I have tried all combinations of distance to shape, follow and attraction forces). I can get it near to what I want, but always with some kind of compromise.

Is it possible to make a speed by icon effect in tyFlow, similar to PFlow?

Attached Files
.max   Speed_By_Icon_Example.max (Size: 792 KB / Downloads: 152)
Currently there is not an exact equivalent to that operator, no. As you've seen, the closest option is Path Follow, but it has drawbacks for fast particles on complex paths. You could drop the sim timestep down to improve accuracy in the meantime.
Thank you for quick response.
Hope to see a solution implemented in the future : )
I know it’s an old thread but I had the same issue and didn’t find any solution so I post here my work around, it works for me, It’s reproducing the same result as it could be with particle flow speed by icon.
I use the bind to object operator and a mesh path deformed and animated to replace the speed by icon.
1 draw your path
2 connect the extremity of your path, it have to make a loop ( important for next, particles will not loop but the path deformed mesh must have to )
3 path deform a mesh, I always use a cylinder with large amount of height segments
4 in the path deform modifier, assign your path, check auto stretch and animate the percent to desired speed, in my case I always also assign an out out-of-range type “relative repeat” to the percent path deform controller, to have my mesh animated all along large timeline
5 create an object to birth the particles, where you want the flow begin close to you path deformed shape
6 create an object to kill the particles by proximity where you want to stop your flow

Globally, there you have just created a path shape to be followed by particles, the birth object and the death object.
next you have to configure it in tyFlow window:

5 birth your particles, use a “position object” operator with your birth object
6 add a “object bind operator”, select you path shape,in”bind mode” check “Lock to surface”, check “verlet integration” if you want to send your particles to another event and keep there velocity.
7 add a “find target” operator and assign it your killing object, adjust the “Test true configuration” to send your particles to next event (delete event or whatever, it can be also with a PhysX event, don’t forget to check “verlet integration” in the previous “object bind” operator if you want you particles with an inherited velocity.
Also, important, this operator don’t have to control the speed of your particles so limit the “distance affect” distance to minimum

I think I didn’t forget anything, it’s work well for me and it can have the great “spline paths” operator added to your simulation.
I think it can be programmed easily natively in tyflow (I just discovered the c# interface, génial for anyone who know programming, I think to automatise this through this module)
Nice! Thank you

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