grow effect where they avoid or collide and don't intersect
I am trying to acheive a grow a effect like mushrooms growing but all methods i try seem to intersect with one another. is it even possible to create a grow effect where the stems collide and intereact whilst they grow?

I have attached a rnd file i was working. but it shows how the grow intersect.


Attached Files
.max   mushrooms-rnd.max (Size: 7.29 MB / Downloads: 139)
I think i found a solution for this, I use the Flock operator with only Neihgbor alignment checked. and then set the obsticle in the flock operator to the tysplines. they seem to avoid eachother
Nice. You can also use a Property Test in neighbor mode to test for neighbors and if there are enough neighbors above a certain threshold, delete the particle. This is used in the frost growth official example file to prevent overlaps.

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