1007 Fluid Force not working
Since version 1007 I'm having issues with the Fluid Force operator (3ds Max 2023).
I've attched a very simple scene: it works as expected with 1006, with 1007 the Fluid Force has no effect.
.zip   ty_FluidForce_01.zip (Size: 95.72 KB / Downloads: 112)
Hi, yea sorry about this. When I was rearranging the code base for the new spray/foam/bubbles, the code to update Phoenix particles directly was disconnected. Will be fixed in the next build.
fyi, above scene is still not working in version 1008
Oh whoops, the bug I thought you were reporting was actually unrelated to your setup.

In your setup, uncheck "only influence submerged particles" in the Fluid Particle Interaction rollout of the Fluid Force operator. I'll make sure this checkbox doesn't need to be clicked in the next build.
Great thanks, this works.
I guess it is also a question of backwards compatibility, for working scenes set up in older versions... ;-) So I like your suggestion for the next build.

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