I would like to propose a simplified feature suggestion, of something I suggested once before:
I'm still missing the option, to control the overall influence of an operator, if I want its effect to fade in or fade out softly.
(typical ease in/out in animation)
We have the Interpolation as a workaround to let the influence increase in certain situations.
But "Interpolation" is only working in one direction, and it's limited.
(and I know, some smart people will suggest complicated workarounds, which force to leave the event and unnecessarily blow up the flow).
This is about simplicity and intuitivity and a non-flow-destructive workflow, about an ease-to-read flow with easy control.
And this is about a simple non-destructive control method, which everybody knows from every animation software:
It would be great to have a curve, that gives control to increase the influence of an operator (within a given time range)
and another curve to decrease the influence (within a given time range).
Not only frame or event numbers in combination with randomness, and not timetests.
And explicitly for the purpose of getting the effect of any operator faded in and out.
This sounds like a small thing, but has huge impact on possibilities to get control,
and in more intuitive working (a curve gives a clear visualization)
and helps in combination with animation workflows (which need clear timings and not testing with simulation).
Thanks for considering.
I'm still missing the option, to control the overall influence of an operator, if I want its effect to fade in or fade out softly.
(typical ease in/out in animation)
We have the Interpolation as a workaround to let the influence increase in certain situations.
But "Interpolation" is only working in one direction, and it's limited.
(and I know, some smart people will suggest complicated workarounds, which force to leave the event and unnecessarily blow up the flow).
This is about simplicity and intuitivity and a non-flow-destructive workflow, about an ease-to-read flow with easy control.
And this is about a simple non-destructive control method, which everybody knows from every animation software:
It would be great to have a curve, that gives control to increase the influence of an operator (within a given time range)
and another curve to decrease the influence (within a given time range).
Not only frame or event numbers in combination with randomness, and not timetests.
And explicitly for the purpose of getting the effect of any operator faded in and out.
This sounds like a small thing, but has huge impact on possibilities to get control,
and in more intuitive working (a curve gives a clear visualization)
and helps in combination with animation workflows (which need clear timings and not testing with simulation).
Thanks for considering.