Spline path follow very jittery
I'm trying to get a single spline to follow a spline path using the path follow operator.

I'm having an issue that the tyspline is really jittering as it goes along the path (see attached videos)

Also once the spline reaches the end of the path I want to spline to stop moving but it continues to move and jitter.

I've followed this tutorial by RedefineFX as a basis for the flow but perhaps this isn't the best way to do it.

I would really appreciate any help on this. Thanks!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.mp4   Spline_Along_Path_Jitter.mp4 (Size: 3.39 MB / Downloads: 186)
.mp4   Spline_Along_Path_Jitter_02.mp4 (Size: 4.08 MB / Downloads: 165)
Can anyone provide any help on this? I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
Can you post the file?

It could be a couple of different things but hard to know without the file. If you don't want to post it publicly, sent to support@tyflow.com.
Great, I've sent the file to the email address. Thanks.

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