tyselect - vertex map
I have created a animated vertex map using the tyselect "assign to map channel" fuction video of vertext map

but i don't know how to actually use the vertex data. I would like to use it as a map in the inflate channel of the modifiy bindings operator. is this possible?

Hmm, yea that's a tricky one...it's not easy reading properties from an object into a sim in a one-to-one (vertex to particle) manner, over time.

See attached for one idea of how to do it. Basic idea is this:

1) Setup your tySelect selections.
2) Bring the selection values into a flow using a Mapping operator
3) Convert those mapping coords to custom properties
4) Create your cloth, set the mapped particles as the targets of the cloth particles.
5) Read in those custom properties of the target particles to drive movement of cloth particles between events

Could be simplified a lot more with a Script operator but this is a way to do it with only regular operators.

Attached Files
.max   bakeSelTransfer.max (Size: 700 KB / Downloads: 132)
(01-17-2023, 04:55 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Hmm, yea that's a tricky one...it's not easy reading properties from an object into a sim in a one-to-one (vertex to particle) manner, over time.

See attached for one idea of how to do it. Basic idea is this:

1) Setup your tySelect selections.
2) Bring the selection values into a flow using a Mapping operator
3) Convert those mapping coords to custom properties
4) Create your cloth, set the mapped particles as the targets of the cloth particles.
5) Read in those custom properties of the target particles to drive movement of cloth particles between events

Could be simplified a lot more with a Script operator but this is a way to do it with only regular operators.
Thanks for this!

After some research I discovered something I never used which was the After some research I discovered something I never used which was the Map Channel Info in Utilities to name the vertex channels. After I found this, it was easy to plug the vertex map into the inflate parameter!

Video - https://www.dropbox.com/s/nk5dcqqqv70g1q...w.mp4?dl=0

File - https://www.dropbox.com/s/7adw2ge2qb7ey3...h.max?dl=0

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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