Cannot use GPU
I have the latest Studio Drivers for nvidia and 4090 and TY Flow still says no CUDA.
I have to use Studio drivers because octane is more stable. 
How do I turn it on?

Did you install the tyFlow CUDA DLLs on the tyFlow download page? Make sure you have the latest ones...
(02-02-2023, 04:41 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Did you install the tyFlow CUDA DLLs on the tyFlow download page? Make sure you have the latest ones...

Thank you! And should I leave multi threading and CUDA both on or just CUDA? Or TYFLOW auto chooses the best method?
PhysX CUDA uses a different method of solving constraints than PhysX CPU....whereas PhysX multi-threading should yield the same result as PhysX whether or not to use PhysX CUDA depends on a case-by-case basis, if it's producing acceptable results. It's the only black-box solver in tyFlow (black-box meaning I don't have access to the source code, because NVidia hasn't released it). All other GPU/CUDA solvers in tyFlow should produce the same results as their non-GPU it's safe to always use them in all situations.
(02-02-2023, 05:14 PM)tyFlow Wrote: PhysX CUDA uses a different method of solving constraints than PhysX CPU....whereas PhysX multi-threading should yield the same result as PhysX whether or not to use PhysX CUDA depends on a case-by-case basis, if it's producing acceptable results. It's the only black-box solver in tyFlow (black-box meaning I don't have access to the source code, because NVidia hasn't released it). All other GPU/CUDA solvers in tyFlow should produce the same results as their non-GPU it's safe to always use them in all situations.

Thanks.  I think there is a bug when cuda is checked  time slider gets very slow even though Birth doesn't start since 220 frame. Tyflow must be completely turned off

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