Animated VrayProxy as Birth Object ?
Is there a way to have an animated vray proxy as Birth Object and keep the animation.  It seems that tyflow does not see the animation or I'm missing something.

see the attached screen capture of how I have it now.

Any help appreciated.

Guillermo Leal Llaguno

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Guillermo Leal Llaguno
What kind of animation? Animation on the input object's transforms? If so, enable the inherit animation objects.

If you're talking about deformations, only the Shape operator (or Actor operator) can import those types of animations.
(02-13-2023, 03:54 AM)tyFlow Wrote: What kind of animation? Animation on the input object's transforms? If so, enable the inherit animation objects.

If you're talking about deformations, only the Shape operator (or Actor operator) can import those types of animations.

It's a tree made in growfx (wind animation)

I add it now as a shape, checked animation. it now plays the animation as it should. but it does not loop.

The tree animation is 250 frames, but the tyflow is 600.  I thought the loop checkbox in the animation parameters would loop but it just stops after frame 250. am I doing something wrong ?

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Guillermo Leal Llaguno
If your tree animation in 250 frames, then in your Shape operator animation settings set the end frame to 250 (right now you set it to 600).

That setting is used to define how long the shape animation is, not how long the tyFlow animation is meant to be.
I had it to 250 but wasn't working so change it to 600 just to try.

I still can't get it to work. Can you take a look at the attached sample file please

Guillermo Leal Llaguno
The shape animation loops fine in the file you sent...

If you want it to loop *seamlessly* (not jitter when the end frame loops back to the start frame), that's something you have to build into the source animation. The Shape operator just loops the keys you give it, it doesn't do any blending.

Normally I would recommend just putting a tyLooper modifier on your proxy geometry, but your proxy geometry topology changes every frame so that won't work. Not sure why it's changing, but it does (put an Edit Mesh modifier on your VRayProxy, select some faces and drag the time'll see the selection go crazy because the vertex/face ordering is changing every single frame). Perhaps wherever you exported the tree from has a setting to maintain topological consistency over time...
(02-14-2023, 05:23 AM)tyFlow Wrote: The shape animation loops fine in the file you sent...

If you want it to loop *seamlessly* (not jitter when the end frame loops back to the start frame), that's something you have to build into the source animation. The Shape operator just loops the keys you give it, it doesn't do any blending.

Normally I would recommend just putting a tyLooper modifier on your proxy geometry, but your proxy geometry topology changes every frame so that won't work. Not sure why it's changing, but it does (put an Edit Mesh modifier on your VRayProxy, select some faces and drag the time'll see the selection go crazy because the vertex/face ordering is changing every single frame). Perhaps wherever you exported the tree from has a setting to maintain topological consistency over time...


Really ?, it doesn’t in my end, did you move the timeline past 251?

The tree does not change topology, its just the vray proxy preview mode, if you select the vrayproxy and change the display to whole mesh you can see. 

if you unhide the proxy and scroll the timeline you can see the proxy continues to play past 251, but tyflow does not. Like this video
Guillermo Leal Llaguno
Oh I see the issue, I had disabled your Surface Test in Event_001 order to isolate the Shape operator issue, without realizing your Surface Test is moving your particle to the next event.

Shape animation does not survive between events (meaning a Shape operator must be present in every event where you want shape animation) your animation stops because your particle leaves the event with the Shape operator. The fix for that issue is simple: just instance your Shape operator into your other events, so they update the animation as well (Shift + ALT + drag).

As for the changing, it also changes when preview mode is disabled. See attached video.

Attached Files
.mp4   treeTopology.mp4 (Size: 15.76 MB / Downloads: 171)
Awesome !, Instancing the shape operator did the trick Thanks so much !

I thought you meant that the polygon count was changing. On your comment about topology. My bad
Guillermo Leal Llaguno

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