Phantom meshes in Alembic Export

I already posted this on the fb page, but thought it better to re-post here to see if there's a solution to getting alembic working properly with Embergen

I was trying out ABC files from Tyflow and noticed that I was getting phantom geometry in the alembic

The same thing happens if you load the file into blender (so not specifically embergen)

It's just a default physx flow

The first attempt was using node per particle, which showed up the phantom geometry in blender and embergen at the base of the tyflow

The second I tried exporting it as a single mesh, which worked for blender, but in embergen it seemed to trash the cubes in the flow and just gave me a single flattened triangle falling

I haven't tried any of the other settings, but can't really see anything obvious which might fix it - have also passed on the second file to the Embergen devs, as that works in blender but not in Embergen


This is something that can only be addressed by the EmberGen guys....tyFlow uses the standard Alembic visibility property on pre-born particles, in order to hide them before they are born. If they appear in EmberGen/Blender then those Alembic importers are ignoring that property. Nothing I can do about it on my side (I could potentially scale pre-born particles to zero, but there's no guarantee that Embergen wouldn't still attempt to emit from zero-scale geometry)...the visibility property is the standard way to 'hide' Alembic elements before they're meant to be seen, and it works in Max, VRay, Unreal, etc.

I'll forward it on to them, see if there's anything that can be done their end

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