free version limit could cause a crash?
Dear Tylow!
Currently I am still a free version user, just consider buying a pro license, but before doing that I have an question regarding to the limits of the free version.
I have a simple bird-flocking scene with a find target test event.
I am using two alembic sequence as an animated shape for my birds.
When I use 200 birds my preview crash at the 880 frame,
When I use 650 birds/shapes with the same flow, it crash after at the 243 frame.
When I make a preview with cache, sometimes I got a DIB message, like tyflow sim couldn't send it the result to the viewport, my display hung and then 3dsmax crash.
When I try to render it out, the render just stop at that frame number.
When I try to render with cmd, without the viewport, it also stop, and then 3dsmax crash.
The preview cache is ridiculously small, and 3dsmax has enough RAM left to continue, but just stop and crash after reaching that frame.
Is there a RAM or vertex count limitation in the free version I don't know about?
It seems after a certain amount of calculation/data it will stop, since if I use only 20 shapes/birds all the frames are calculating without a crash.
I would consider to purchase a pro license if it solves this limit, but I would like to be certain before doing it, that the crash coming from the limitation and not because of a bad usage.
I thought the free version is limited only for one thread of the CPU, I could wait more, since my project is not a commercial one.
Many Thanks in advance!
There’s no limitation like that, it just seems like you’re running out of RAM.
(05-13-2023, 12:11 PM)tyFlow Wrote: There’s no limitation like that, it just seems like you’re running out of RAM.

Many thanks for your reply!
I almost managed to do almost the same scene with particle flow, with the same alembic cache, as an animated shape (0-179 frame in loop)
without running out of RAM, but would prefer the tyflow way of movements.
I also disabled the tyflow cache function.
Is there a solution to render a flow out (or preview) which is not fit into my RAM (64 GB) first?
(it is 24MB per frame)
I've already try with vray proxy also with the same result.
If you send me the files I can take a look at the setup and try to figure out why RAM is getting max’d out…

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