05-12-2023, 04:26 AM
Hi, i would like to know if there is a way to put particles pivots to work best with the wobble operator. This is for a tree rig. Imagine branches coming out of a trunk. I would like to put the branches pivots where they are closest to the trunk looking back at their center or the longest side of the bounding box. To make things more complicated this has to work with the tyswitcher and the tycollect. My setup is utelizing the tyswitcher to load multiple tycollects. In these tycollects are the geo s of the trees. The trees have all the same geo elements like for example 1 trunk and 1 branch object. I voronoi the trunk and element fracture the branches and center their pivots. Before importing the geo into the tycollection i assign a typroperty modifier with an particle group 1 ID to the trunk and particle group 2 ID to the branches. Then i use a birth operator, select the tyswitcher and shuffle out the particles via a property test (particle groups). So i can t use any other birth operators and since i use the switcher and tycollection i can t use any operator that needs a shape input. I d like this setup to be as procedural as possible so i don t need to pick specific geometry in the flow. In my picture example i only use the tycollection to make things more simple.
This sounds a little complicated but i hope my attached images will clarify
This sounds a little complicated but i hope my attached images will clarify