proximity Link and PhysX shape
Hi Tyson, I asked this question in the Facebook group, but I didn't receive an answer. Could you please assist me with it?

Based on the example scene  (tyFlow_proximityLink_001.max), how we can  activation of the PhysX shape when the target filter and simulation group share the same numerical value. Could you please assist me with this matter?

I included the Max scene

Thanks in advance

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.max   TEST.max (Size: 720 KB / Downloads: 111)
It's not clear to me what you're trying to do but typically when you want shapes to match with other shapes like that, you'll use clustering with custom float values.

You can use just may complicate things because groups also determine collision overlap for PhysX. If you want to use groups you need to change the dropdown option from 'overlapping' to whatever criteria you want (ex: 'equal to own' - where particles will only match up with other particles that have the same group assignment).
Thank you so much! as you said i just select the "not equal to own" option from the dropdown, and it worked perfectly.

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